Chickungunya Fever
It is an acute infectious disease, caused by Chickungunya virus, transmitted by the bite of Infective, female added mosquito. Clinically characterized by sudden onset of fever associated with chills, severe myalgia, Malaise, polyarthritis, and often associated with rashes with or without mild itching. It is resemble with dengue fever. In India, endemic occurs in Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nada and Andhra Pradesh during March to August 2006. Seen mainly in Africa, Pakistan, India south eat Asia Philliphiens
Causative agent:
The organism Chickungunya virus, it belongs to Group A antiviruses. It is killed by common disinfectant, moist heat and drying.
It is a Disease of human beings only. There is no animal reservoir. There is no carrier state also.
Chickungunya Fever transmitted from person to person, by the bite of Infective, female, aedes mosquito.
The Chief vector is aedes aegypti.
Breeding Place:
Aedes aegypti breeds in water collected in containers like tumblers, coconut-shell, bottles, broken tins, air-coolers, tree holes and such others in and around 4th he houses.
Biting time:
They bite during early hours of the morning 6 to 9 am and in evening 3pm to 6pm. They are aggressive day biters.
Incubation period:
Incubation period is 10 to 12 days. In case of aedes aegypti once the mosquito become Infective, it remains Infective throughout life, whomsoever it bites, transmits the Disease. This is how several members of the same family members simultaneously affected.
The lifespan of the mosquito is about 3 weeks.
Clinical features:
- Incubation period is 1 to 2 weeks.
- Sudden onset of chills
- Fever(103 - 104 F)
- Headache
- Nausea
- Severe muscular pain
- Joints pain
- Joints swollen and painful to touch
- Maculopapular rashes
- Palatal exanthemas
- Hemorrhage is rare and mortality is rare.

- Symptomatic treatment
- Analgesics
- Antihistaminics
- Bed rest
Prevention and control

- To remove the water containers if any.
- To keep the air coolers clean and dry once a week and to remove the water if not used.
- To use mosquitoes curtain, if habituated to sleep in afternoon or apply mosquito repellent.
- Use mosquitoes net during sleep.\
To maintain the sanitation in and around the house.
Homeopathic remedies for Chickungunya:
Bryonia: Pain all over the body, but not deep in the bones. wants to lie quietly. thirst qualities of water of long intervals.
Eupatorium perf: An excellent remedy for pains go deep into the bones. vomiting and restlessness.
Rhus Tox: Is indicated when muscular pain.
Varatrum viride: High temperature with great variation.
Causticum: High fever, flushed face, no chillness much prostration , could hardly get out of the bed.
Apis Mel: Chill with sudden violent vomiting. The Fever comes in the between 6 and 7pm.
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