Friday, September 18, 2020

Homeopathic Medicines for Worm Manifestation

       Homeopathic Remedies Of Ascarriasis

Cina it is the head remedy for round warm, thread worm, tape worm with grinding teeth and should be given in 1X potency. the patient is restless, constant rumbling of the nose. loss of appetite or increase in appetite. it is also stops convulsions due to worms in which case it should be given in high potency, say 200 to 1000.

Teucreium for the ascarriasis in pin worms when there is much irritation in the rectum. give mother tincture or 1X.

Calcarea Carb an excellent remedy for scrofulous children, fat pale, lymphatic, hot and perspiration at night.

Stannum the administration of the remedy stupefies worm which are easily dislodged by purgatives. it has pale sunken face and eyes surrounded by blue rings, sluggish disposition, general torpor, foiled breath and passive fever. patient prefer to lie on stomach.

Terebinth. burning and crawling is anus as if worms are creeping out. it discharges round and tape worms.

Caladium is useful when worms travel over the perineum and get into vagina in little girls and tendency to excite masturbation.

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