Homeopathic Medicine For Typhoid Fever
Arsenic album : I have used the remedy with the great success in typhoid fever in three drop doses every two hours-six doses daily. If the temperature does not abate, give sulphur 200 on e dose on empty stomach no other remedy on that day.
Phosphorus. It is used only when typhoid is complicated with pneumonia. It is also valuable in diarrhea and convalescence has set in.
Baptisia. It is indicated when typhoid is accompanied with diarrhea. The stools are of sour smell. sudden prostration. Indifference and apathy . It cuts shorts the period, If given in early stage. typhoid is usually rapid onset.
Gelsemium. Is to be given in early stage of typhoid fever. there is no thirst, but the headache is troublesome. the patient is otherwise quite, indifferent, emotionless, drooping eyelids, trembling, chilliness, drowsiness dread of motion,prostration.
Lachesis. It has the slimier symptoms as in Baptisia, except that Lachesis patient worse after the sleep and has a tendency to hemorrhage of dark blood. he is sensitive to touch especially at the neck and wrist loss of speech. Offensive discharges, low muttering delirium, dry trembling tongue.
Abisinthium. Sleeplessness in typhoid. congestion of the brain.
Acid phos. Prostration and weakness and exhaustion sweat after typhoid, especially in women.
Stramonium. Typhoid fever with oozing of blood from the month, tongue dry, swollen which fills mouth, printed red like a piece of meat.
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