Friday, September 18, 2020

Homeopathic Medicines for Worm Manifestation

       Homeopathic Remedies Of Ascarriasis

Cina it is the head remedy for round warm, thread worm, tape worm with grinding teeth and should be given in 1X potency. the patient is restless, constant rumbling of the nose. loss of appetite or increase in appetite. it is also stops convulsions due to worms in which case it should be given in high potency, say 200 to 1000.

Teucreium for the ascarriasis in pin worms when there is much irritation in the rectum. give mother tincture or 1X.

Calcarea Carb an excellent remedy for scrofulous children, fat pale, lymphatic, hot and perspiration at night.

Stannum the administration of the remedy stupefies worm which are easily dislodged by purgatives. it has pale sunken face and eyes surrounded by blue rings, sluggish disposition, general torpor, foiled breath and passive fever. patient prefer to lie on stomach.

Terebinth. burning and crawling is anus as if worms are creeping out. it discharges round and tape worms.

Caladium is useful when worms travel over the perineum and get into vagina in little girls and tendency to excite masturbation.


Ascariasis or Roundworm 

Ascariasis or Roundworm is the Commonest and Most Widespread Worm in all Countries, Transmitted bye Feco-Orally Route Through the Soil, Most Common in Children's. It also cause Obstruction in Abdomen..

Agent Factor

Agent: Ascariasis or Round Worm resembling with Earthworm, Live in Small Intestine. It is Brown color, Female measuring 20 to 40 cm and Female Measuring 15 to 25 cm. Life Span of Round Worm is One Year. The Female lay Egg Everyday.

Life cycle: Ascariasis or Round Worm is Only One Host Human Being. The Eggs are Passed in the Feces and Develop into Rhabditiform Larvae in the Soil within About 10 to 40 days and Become Infective.


Reservoir Human Being is the only Reservoir of Infection.

host incidence:

age incidence: It is Maximum among Children of 2-10 years age.

sex incidence: It is equal in both Boys and Girls.

Environmental factors: The Indiscriminate Defection, Especially by the Children around the House , Poor Sewage Disposal Facilities, Maturation of Eggs.

Mode of Infection: 

1. Feco-Oral Route through the Contamination Soil.

2. From Raw Vegetables Cultivated in a Sewage Irrigated Area.

3. Eating mud Pica.

4. Drinking Fecal Contaminated Water.

5. Through Moist Mucus surface of Upper Air Passage.

6. Larvae may directly Penetrate into Blood Stream and Reach Various Viscera, Where they fail to Growth and Die.

 Clinical Features or Sign and Symptoms 

Due to Migrating Larvae:-





                                        Urticaria rash 



Due to Adult Worm:-


Retarded Growth

Typhoid like Fever


Edema of the Face


Irritation of Upper Respiratory Tract

Ulcer into Peritoneal Cavity

Intestinal Obstruction


Sometime Suffocation at Night accidentally Enter into Respiratory Tract

Worms Enter to Appendix and Cause Appendicitis

Biliary Obstruction

Liver Abscess.

Laboratory Diagnosis or Investigations 

Administration of Barium Emulsion, being Ingested by Worms and After 6 or 7 Hours cast Strings like Shadow in the X-ray.

Microscopic Examination of Saline Emulsion of Stool for Eggs.

Indirect Evidence:

Blood Examination reveals Eosinophila

Scratch Test with Powdered Ascariasis Antigen has been found to be Positive Dermal Allergic Reaction.

Prevention And Control:

By Avoiding Indiscriminate Defecation.

By Avoiding Sanitary Latrines and Sanitary Disposal of Sewage. 

By Provision of Protected Water Supply.

By Control of House Fly. 

By Maintaining Hygiene by Trimming the Nail.. 



By The Use of Shop to Wash Hands before Eating the Food and After Using the Toilets 

By Eealth education

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Homeopathic Medicine for typhoid Fever

 Homeopathic Medicine For Typhoid Fever

Arsenic album : I have used the remedy with the great success in typhoid fever  in three drop doses every two hours-six doses daily. If the temperature does not abate, give sulphur 200 on e dose on empty stomach no other remedy on that day.

Phosphorus. It is used only when typhoid is complicated with pneumonia. It is also valuable in diarrhea and convalescence has set in.

Baptisia. It is indicated when typhoid is accompanied with diarrhea. The stools are of sour smell. sudden prostration. Indifference and apathy . It cuts shorts the period, If given in early stage. typhoid is usually rapid onset.

Gelsemium. Is to be given in early stage of typhoid  fever. there is no thirst, but the headache is troublesome. the patient is otherwise quite, indifferent, emotionless, drooping eyelids, trembling, chilliness, drowsiness dread of motion,prostration.

Lachesis. It has the slimier symptoms as in Baptisia, except that Lachesis patient worse after the sleep and has a tendency to hemorrhage of dark blood. he is sensitive to touch especially at the neck and wrist loss of speech. Offensive discharges, low muttering delirium, dry trembling tongue.

Abisinthium. Sleeplessness in typhoid. congestion of the brain.

         Acid phos. Prostration and weakness and exhaustion sweat after typhoid,                   especially in women.

 Stramonium. Typhoid fever with oozing of blood from the month, tongue   dry,   swollen which fills mouth, printed red like a piece of meat. 


Dengue Fever causes clinical features prevention


Dengue Fever

     it is a infectious disease, arboviral disease, caused by dengue virus, transmitted by person to person by bite of infective, female, aedes mosquito.


      clinically it is characteristic by high fever , headache, body ache, severe joint and muscular pains. usually it is not fatal, but under certain circumstances it can cause severe hemorrhage and profound shock, which may become fetal. it is self limiting disease. next to malaria. dengue is now the most common cause of fever in India.

Causative agent

the dengue virus, a member of flavivirus group. the virus is easily destroyed by heat and chemicals. But it survives for several years at - 70°C.

Reservoir: only case is chief reservoir. no carrier state exists.

Age incidence: Dengue fever is common in young children and adults .but children have a milder disease than adults.

Sex incidence: it is more men than among women may be because men are more exposed and woman are better clothed.

Mode of transmission: is by the bite of infective, female, aedes mosquito.

Incubation period : varies 5 to 10 days.

Clinical features of dengue fever

High fever: sudden in onset, high, continuous, associated with severe prodromal symptoms, lasts for 1 weeks.

      • internal bleeding, which can lead to black vomit and feces, or stools
      • a lower number of platelets in the blood
      • sensitive stomach
      • small blood spots under the skin
      • weak pulse 
      • damage to lymph and blood vessels 
      •  clammy skin       
      • bleeding from the mouth, gums, or nose

Dengue shock syndrome

DSS is a severe form of dengue. It can be fatal.

symptoms of mild dengue fever, the person may experience

      • intense stomach pain
      • disorientation
      • sudden hypo tension, or a fast drop in blood pressure.
      • heavy bleeding
      • regular vomiting
  • blood vessels leaking fluid
  • Without treatment, this can result in death                            Hemorrhage phenomenon: usually spontaneous. any of the following hemorrhagic manifestation may be present such as fine patchie on the extremities, axialle, face during the early febrile phase, epistaxis, gingival bleeding, homeostasis or malena.

Hepatomegaly: but not associated with jaundice.

circulatory failure: characterized by profound sweating, hypothermia, low blood pressure, narrowing of pulse- pressure, increased pulse rate, rapid and weak pulse, cold clammy skin, restlessness.


Platelet count is < 1,00,000 cells/mm 3

Hematocrit value is increased by 20 percent or more.

Prevention and control of dengue fever

Clothing: Reduce the amount of skin exposed by wearing long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and socks, tucking pant legs into shoes or socks, and wearing a hat. 

Mosquito repellents: Use a repellent with at least 10 percent concentration of diethyltoluamide (DEET), or a higher concentration for longer lengths of exposure. Avoid using DEET on young children. 

Mosquito traps and nets: Nets treated with insecticide are more effective, otherwise the mosquito can bite through the net if the person is standing next to it. The insecticide will kill mosquitoes and other insects, and it will repel insects from entering the room.

Door and window screens: Structural barriers, such as screens or netting, can keep mosquito out. 

Avoid scents: Heavily scented soaps and perfumes may attract mosquito's. 

Camping gear: Treat clothes, shoes, and camping gear with permethrin, or purchase clothes that have been pretreated. 

Timing: Try to avoid being outside at dawn, dusk, and early evening. 

Stagnant water: The Aedes mosquito breeds in clean, stagnant water. Checking for and removing stagnant water can help reduce the risk.


         To reduce the risk of mosquitoes breeding in stagnant water:

    • turn buckets and watering cans over and store them under shelter so that water cannot accumulate
    • remove excess water from plant pot plates
    • scrub containers to remove mosquito eggs
    • loosen soil from potted plants, to prevent puddles forming on the surface
    • make sure scupper drains are not blocked and do not place potted plants and other objects over them
    • use non-perforated gully traps, install anti-mosquito valves, and cover any traps that are rarely used
    • do not place receptacles under an air-conditioning unit
    • change the water in flower vases every second day and scrub and rinse the inside of the vase
    • prevent leaves from blocking anything that may result in the accumulation of puddles or stagnant water

When camping or picnicking, choose an area that is away from still water.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

what isTyphoid Fever? cause, site of infection, Sign and Symptoms, mode of Transmission and Investigation.

                            Typhoid Fever

         What is Typhiod Fever?

         Typhoid  Fever also known as Enteric is a Water-brone disease.Typhoid Fever is caused by Salmonella typhio bacteria and Parathypio A and B. paratyphoid Fever is caused by parathypyi A and B. unless underwire specified, enteric Fever always mean typhoid fever paratypyio is less severe. Typhoid Fever is rare in Industrialized countries. It is Most Common in India Africa and Latin America. However, It remains a serious Health Threat in the Developing World, Especially for Children.

        Causes of Typhoid fever

          Typhoid Fever Transmitted Through Contaminated Food, Water, and Vegetables usually affected School Children or through close contact with someone who's infected.

          Site of Infection

After few days of Infection, basically localized mainly in the Lymphoid Tissue Intestine result I typical Lesions in payer’s Patches and follicles these swell first then ulcerate and usually heal. Typhoid Bacteria live in Gall Bladder for month, Intestine and year and pass Intermittently in Stool less in Urine.  They are also surviving Intracellular tissue like Spleen Kidney Heart and bone marrow.They can also survive in Water Soil Food sewage ice cream etc for long period 15 to 20 days.

Sign And Symptoms

During the First Week of Typhoid Fever there is gradual Fever continues raises day by day in the “step ladder” fashion, associated with chills and severe pronominal symptoms such as Headache body ache malaise  loss of appetite, joint pains with occasional vomiting. Fever will be the range 38°C to 40°C .Then dry cough.

During Second week temperature reaches (104°F) skin is dry and hot, tongue is coated. Patients tired, abdomen is distended, Spleen is enlarged and soft, tenderness in the right iliac fossa, relative bradycardia and there often there will be transient appearance of rashes over the abdomen. There may be diarrhea with “pea-soups” stools.

During third Fever , the patient will have signs of Toxemia such as High Temperature rapid Thread Pulse, Mentally , Dull, Delirious , Disoriented, Sleepy confused, tales Irreverently, will have Face , later become stupor us develops Coma and Dies 

 After the Development of Antibodies and with or without Treatment Temperature falls. This Disease mainly Transmitted by feco-oral route.

Mode of transmission of Typhoid Fever 

·      Typhoid mainly transmitted by sewage (fecal) contaminated food vegetables through house flies.

·      This disease also transmitted through contaminated milk because water adds to milk-handler.

·      A vegetable grown in sewage farms also favors the spread of Typhoid Fever.

·      Lack of personal hygiene such as non trimming nails also favors the spread typhoid fever through fingers.

·      Pathology and pathogenesis of Typhoid Fever

·      Typhoid bacteria enter the body through the mouth , the pathogenesis enter into the blood stream, reach reticuloendothelial cells, where they multiply and after rupture of RE cells, they poured into the resulting in Bacteraemia and circulate for one week.

After circulation they settle mainly in payer’s patches of ileum spleen and gallbladder result complicated.

Ileum: - Payer’s patches are the most commonest site of involvement. These patches are all inflamed resulting ulcers with discharge of bacilli and pus into lumen of gut. The mesenteric lymph nodes are also involved.

Spleen: - There is lymphoid hyperplasia result splenomegaly. The presence of Typhoid Bacteria in spleen may act as a seed of future relapse.  

 Gallbladder:-the chronic infection of Typhoid Bacteria in the gallbladder results in Cholecystitis and Cholelithiasis (Stones).

On autolysis, the pathogens release 

     Investigations for Typhoid Fever

Ø During first week of illness -Blood for culture

Ø During second week of illness - Blood for Widal, TC (leucopenia).

Ø During third week of illness – Blood for repeat Widal test and stool and Urine for culture.

Note: Blood for Widal test will negative during first week and blood for repeat Widal during third week shows increase in antibody titre, which is confirmative. Stool and urine culture will be positive only during week Onwards.

                   Homeopathic Medicine For Typhoid Fever

Arsenic album : I have used the remedy with the great success in Typhoid Fever  in three drop doses every two hours-six doses daily. If the Temperature does not abate, give Sulphur 200 on e dose on empty Stomach no other Remedy on that day.

Phosphorus. It is used only when Typhoid is complicated with Pneumonia. It is also valuable in Diarrhea and Convalescence has set in.

Baptisia. It is indicated when Typhoid is accompanied with Diarrhea. The Stools are of sour smell. sudden prostration. Indifference and Apathy . It cuts shorts the period, If given in early stage. Typhoid is usually Rapid onset.

Gelsemium. Is to be given in early stage of Typhoid  Fever. there is no thirst, but the Headache is troublesome. the patient is otherwise Quite, Indifferent, Emotionless, drooping Eyelids, Trembling, Chilliness, Drowsiness dread of motion,Prostration.

Lachesis. It has the slimier symptoms as in Baptisia, except that Lachesis patient worse after the sleep and has a tendency to Hemorrhage of Dark Blood. he is sensitive to touch especially at the neck and wrist loss of speech. Offensive Discharges, low muttering Delirium, dry Trembling Tongue.

Abisinthium. Sleeplessness in Typhoid. congestion of the brain.

         Acid phos. Prostration and Weakness and exhaustion sweat after Typhoid,               especially in women.

 Stramonium. Typhoid Fever with Oozing of Blood from the Month, Tongue   Dry,   Swollen which fills mouth, printed red like a piece of meat. 


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